So, for Christmas I asked my sister to get Sophie lip gloss so she would stop stealing my chap stick. She found some really cute princess themed lip glosses that have crowns for the lids. Well, being 3 Sophie has broken some of the prongs off of the tops of the crowns. She was applying her lip gloss like a true make-up artist today and one of the lids broke. I was in the baby's room on the phone with Brandon and Sophie walked in with the broken piece in her hand, I thought nothing of it. About 2 minutes later she walked in saying "Mommy, I can't seem to figure out how to get this thing out of my nose!" It was so far up her nostril I could barely see it! I calmly picked her up trying not to freak her out. I told her she could either let me use tweezers to get it our or we'd have to go to the hospital to get it out. She sat very still and it came right out. Just another way she keeps my life interesting, Micah never put anything up his nose!
On another note, Micah got his report card today and he received excellent in all areas except penmanship, but he's a 5 year-old boy...I'm not worried. He had a sub today so no homework was sent home. Instead we did 25 addition and 44 subtraction flash cards. The only ones he had to try again on were 10-6, and 11+7. Luckily he's blessed with the love of math I always wished I had:-)
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