The first half of February was crazy cold, but luckily the second half warmed up nicely so we've been spending lots of time outside. Micah also finished up his basketball season and loved learning to dribble and make baskets. His coach was the best and made the last practice family practice so Micah & B got to do 3-legged dribbling competitions, it was so cute!! Humble Christian School also held it's 6th annual talent show, Micah and his friend Grace danced to a Go-Fish Guys song. My little man used to be crazy shy, I'm so proud of how much he's grown! Sophie has been enjoying riding her princess bike and playing in the back yard. Oh yeah, it's also rodeo time so we took the kids to the Humble rodeo where you can get much closer for much cheaper than the Houston Rodeo. They love watching the bulls, but Sophie fell asleep during the concert. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to fall asleep no matter where you are or what's going on around you, and know there will be someone there to carry you home?!? We had another ultrasound yesterday to check the growth of baby Reed #3. Everything checked out well. I'm now 30 weeks 4 days and they estimate the baby weighs 3lbs 7oz. Still no luck with the name situation, poor kid:(
Family photos 2012
12 years ago
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