Here's a little update on the family.
Brandon: Working hard as usual. He just passed his 5 year anniversary as an "outside plant engineer" at AT&T. He is currently in training to run his first marathon in January 2011. He is also working on a website to help men stay strong in their spiritual growth even when surrounded by worldly temptations. What a great dad, though he usually doubts himself in this area, our children adore him!
Natalie: I've been working hard staying at home. Along with our beautiful children I have also been taking care of 3 other children. DonTerrius (5), Charlee (5), and Krisslyn (2 3/4). I love being able to take Micah to and from school, and going to story time is one of my favorite bonding times.
Micah: He's fantastic, and oh so smart. In August he started the K4 program at Humble Christian Schoo

l. He is really thriving there. He has already learned to write his first name in print and cursive, write numbers 1-10, add single digit numbers, and he is memorizing a new Bible verse every week. He's been working hard at home too. I've recently taught him to tie his shoes. He got a new scooter for Christmas and is riding like a pro. Daddy is always happy to have him help outside because he is actually helping now, not just watching. He is also maturing as a big brother. He has learned to be so much more gentle and is sharing so well--most of the time;). His favorite show is Phineas and Ferb which he likes to watch on the computer. He has also found a new liking for internet learning games. Starfall and have some really cool games that he does very well. Sometimes he surprises me at what he understands. This fall he played soccer with a team from church. His last game he scored 2 goals. I was so proud. our next giant step- taking the training wheels off of his big boy bike.
Sophie: My little sopapilla. What a blessing God has given our family. I never knew how much I would enjoy having a daughter. She amazes me constantly. She has learned to spell her name, sing her ABC's and dress herself. She is completely potty trained (overnight and all) as of about a month and a half ago, that's right 2 years and 2 months old. Told you she's amazing! She is such a girly-girl. She definitely didn't get that from me, but it sure is fun to watch. My sister gave her a purse for Christmas complete with toy cell phone, lipstick, keys, and nail polish. She pretended to paint her toenails immediately after opening and has barely put it down since.
Esther: The new addition--our kitty cat that the children love and Brandon pretends to hate. I think he's just jealous because she gets more snuggles than him. He saved her from the side of the beltway and she's been agitating him ever since. Her favorite place (besides the Christmas tree) is on me so that irritates B even more.
That's probably enough typing for now. I'll add some pictures and try to keep updated on things as they happen from now on!