MICAH- He is too big boy now. Today is his first day @ CDC (the pre-school program @ our church.) He went into his class like such a little man and didn't even look twice when Brandon & I left. He loves Mrs. Bekah and Mrs. Michele so I'm sure that helped:) This weekend in San Antonio he rode 3 rollercoasters (kid ones of course), and fed the sea lions. We got to Dine with Shamu and he had an endless number of question for the trainer, Mr. Todd whom he now pretends to be. He is constantly amazing us at the things he can come up with.

SOPHIE- Well little miss turned 1 on Saturday, it really went by too fast! She started walking about 3 weeks ago and now is all over the place. She doesn't know a stranger and will lead us around when we are in public. We spent the weekend in San Antonio with Nana & Papa to go to Sea World to celebrate. Nana said about 10 people commented on how pretty her blue eyes were. Both of the kids lasted from open to close on Saturday and were angels all the way! We had her pedi check up this morning and she weighed in at 19 pounds (25%ile) and 29 1/4 inches (50%ile). He said she was walking "pretty balanced" and saying a good amount of words for her age--uh-oh, dada, hi!, bubba, mama, nana, papa, boo.